Making an Effective Teaching

“Unexpected Week” would be the best title for this week. My day was full filled with unexpected students and situations. Actually, my expectation for this first week in the SMAN ** Jakarta was only to become an assistant teacher. However, the master teacher wanted more from me. She wanted me to teach in class.
            Before Arlin, Umi, and I teach in the class, she asked us about the way we wanted to use in teaching recount text. My answer was using game and group work in delivering the material. At first, she didn’t believe me because she thought that it was only wasting time. After I convinced her, she gave us chance to try it in the class, and then I said “hah?” Umi and Arlin kept silent, maybe they were too shock to say something.  Although, in the schedule state that the teaching session is in 2nd week and it’s only 20 minutes, we accepted the master teacher’s order. We taught the class for the whole session at that day, 2 x 45 minutes. Even though we taught without any preparation, the teaching learning process in classroom went well. The students were active in doing their task that we gave and none of them were sleeping during the class.
The master teacher was amazed by the situation in the class. She told us that the students usually keep silent when she taught English, not as active as the time we taught the students in the class. She also added that the students became more crowed and she loves that kind of situation. After that successful moment, she asked us to make a lesson plan to teach narrative text. She gave us the lesson plan that she made before. In the lesson plan, I read that the teacher explain about the narrative text, asked the student to make narrative text, then read it in front of the class. The teacher didn’t give opportunity to the students to make their own explanations about what narrative text is or when narrative text is used. That’s the reason why the student kept silent when she taught English. Base on my experience as a student, if the teacher place herself as the only one source in learning, the student will think that the teacher always right. Then, the student will only believe in what teacher said and not curious with the learning material.
Other ineffective teaching was that the teacher didn’t use Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. The students were asked to listen, write, and speak. The teacher didn’t include activities for kinesthetic, spatial, logical-mathematic, and so on. In some ways, she could teach effectively. She came to the student one by one to look the progress of the task that the students were doing and explain again the material to the students who didn’t get the explanation well. This kind of teaching method, make no one of the students is left behind.
            Therefore, in our lesson plan, we change the teaching methods which are not effective. First, we asked the students to classify the characteristic of recount and narrative by themselves in group of four. Second, they had to illustrate the situation in narrative text. Third, they had to write, speak, and listen to their narrative text. Fourth, they had to move to correct their friends’ work. All of that, had already did by us, and it worked.


an.pane said...

I know what you felt when the teacher were interested in your group's teaching method...hehe..
So,can you share with me how the students respond to your teaching method?

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